Mar Ephraem Library is housed in a two storied building covering an area of 1004 Sq.M. It has a separate reference section, reading room, periodical section, back volume section, stack area and e-library. There is an information desk (Circulation counter) on the ground floor.
The Library is functioning under the open access system and having a total collection of 14930 Volumes with 5393 titles.Circulation (i.e. issue, renewal and return of books) takes place through Barcode System. All details of the Library collections are fed into the Computer software and Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) is provided to our users. 120 print periodicals including 60 international journals are being subscribed in our Library.E- Library with 1150 e-journals, 586 CD ROM Database, 558 NPTEL video lectures and web courses in various disciplines, Question bank facility, which can be accessed throughout the campus via our intranet.
Library is enabled with wi-fi technology and security systems with Closed Circuit Television System (CCTV) have been monitoring the movements of the users on both the floors. Mar Ephraem Library is an Institutional Member in DELNET and NDLI.